1) Maps and statistics of migrants and Polish migration services
Information on data about migration/refugees and asylum seekers is available here: https://migracje.gov.pl/en/
2) Diversity Card
Adapted by the City of Poznan in 2016 (information in Polish: https://www.poznan.pl/mim/info/news/prezydent-jacek-jaskowiak-podpisal-karte-roznorodnosci,100004.html and https://www.poznan.pl/mim/info/news/poznan-ambasadorem-karty-roznorodnosci,112229.html) as part of the Diversity Charter – an international initiative aimed at promoting diversity and equal opportunities in employment, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, disability or religion.
3) Annual Plan of Cooperation of the City of Poznań with Non-Governmental Organizations
Priority tasks in the field of public benefit “Activities for the integration of foreigners” are defined:
- conducting information and advisory activities for foreigners;
- integration of foreigners with local communities;
- support for foreigners and their families;
- education of groups cooperating with foreigners.