1) Migrant.Info
Hotline for migrants – working from Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., under the phone number + 48 22 490 20 44, migrants can get information in their mother tongues on their topics of interest, from formal and legal issues connected with their stay in Poland, to taking up employment, to access to healthcare, social services and education. The implementers of the project are the City of Poznan, Migrant Info Point (MIP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
2) Poznań Kutia
For 24 years, Anna Chraniek, a translator of the Ukrainian language, has been organizing a meeting entitled “Kutia”, which connects Ukrainians living in Poznań. In January 2020, the meeting was held at the Dom Tramwajarza. It was possible to listen to Ukrainian Christmas carols, to see the performance “Wertep – Ukrainian Jasełka” and try kutia and kvass during the meeting.
3) The Night of the Temples (Noc Świątyń)
It is a project that involves several Polish cities. Poznań joined it in 2016. The organizers write on their website: “We want the Night of the Temples to be an opportunity to visit the most important places for representatives of various faiths. May it be a time of visiting unusual buildings and unique places, talking to members of religious communities, asking questions and dispelling doubts. It will also be a cultural event accompanied by concerts, presentations and workshops.” In Poznań, the Night of the Temples was coordinated by the Lepszy Świat Association, and in 2019 by the Jeden Świat Association. The Poznań program included events in 9 sanctuaries in the city.
4) Radio International Poznań
It is the first radio program in Poznań only in English. It operates since 2013. It was created for migrants living and working in Poznań. International Radio includes 268 radio broadcasts and invites people from different countries. They talk about what they do, how do they feel about the city they came to, and also share the knowledge about the places they come from.
5) Centre for Migration Studies AMU
Centre for Migration Studies Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan is a research center founded in 2009. The Center conducts researches on the migration and integration of foreigners, in particular concerning western Poland. The research projects conducted so far have concerned foreign residents of Poznań – students, employees, entrepreneurs, students and educators. CeBaM also deals with the dissemination of research results outside the scientific community, cooperates with offices, local government units and non-governmental organizations. Thanks to the CeBaM initiative, in 2013 the Migrant Info Point was launched – the first information and advice point for immigrants in Poznań. CeBaM is also involved in educational activities, conducting workshops in schools about migrants and refugees, open meetings on topics related to migration, as well as social campaigns popularizing migration issues, including „Adopt a Life Jacket” or the exhibition of letters „We all migrants”.
6) Nowy Tomyśl – City and County Public Library
The „Językowe pogotowie”[“Language emergency”] project has been implemented since 2017 in the City and County Public Library in Nowy Tomyśl. These are Polish language classes, where participants have the opportunity to learn basic phrases in Polish, learn the rules of communication, and get to know Polish culture. The meetings are a place to present the culture and customs of their countries of origin. From November 2019, volunteers from the School Complex No. 1 are engaged in helping children from abroad with their homework in Polish. The idea was born in connection with the growing number of foreigners coming to work in Nowy Tomyśl. The originator and initiator of the project is Izabela Putz, culture animator of the library in Nowy Tomyśl. She conducts classes together with Grażyna Matuszak, a specialist in regional education.