BRCT laşi
Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation – Iasi (BRCT laşi) is a non-governmental body, activating in the field of regional development and cross-border cooperation, contributing to promote the cooperation between regions, communities and authorities located in the both sides of the border Romania – Republic of Moldova. In the programming period 2004-2006, was implementing authority for the Neighbourhood Programme Romania-Republic of Moldova 2004-2006, components of Phare CBC 2004, 2005 and 2006, monitoring around 180 projects implemented in the border area Romania-Republic of Moldova, with a total value of approximately 31 million euro. During the 2007 – 2013 programming period, BRCT Iași hosted the Joint Technical Secretariat for the JOP Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova, and for the 2014 – 2020 period is hosting the Joint Technical Secretariat for the JOP Romania – Republic of Moldova. During 2007 – 2013, JTS supervised a number of about 100 projects (large and soft), with a total value of about 100 million euro. Experiences and activities of BRCT Iași include project management and monitoring. BRCT was involved in the development of the Joint Operational Programme, from the Analysis part to the selection of objectives, priorities, measures and has very good experience in strategic planning, applying methodologies, prioritizing, defining indicators. BRCT gathered a skilled and trained team of professionals.