Emilia Romagna Region
Shaping Fair Cities Project Lead Partner
Emilia-Romagna Region – Servizio Coordinamento delle politiche europee, programmazione, cooperazione, valutazione
Regional Competent Office for migration issues
Servizio Politiche per l’Accoglienza e l’Integrazione Sociale
Viale Aldo Moro, 21
40127 Bologna
Emilia-Romagna Region is the lead applicant of the project. It is the public authority administrating the region with the same name located in Northern Italy, with over 22.000 square km area and 4.5 million inhabitants. Emilia-Romagna Region has been engaged in development education for many years. In the regional law number 12 of 2002 there is a specific paragraph that engages the Region to support initiatives of education and awareness raising on international cooperation, peace and inter-cultural activities, respect of human rights. Emilia-Romagna Region approves every year a regional program on the issues of peace and human rights and coordinates all the local authorities operating on regional territory in order to promote participated processes and uniformity of approaches. Emilia-Romagna is also a major cultural and touristic centre, being the home of the oldest university in the Western World, containing numerous Renaissance cities, being a major centre for food and automobile production and having a lively and colourful coastline, with numerous tourist resorts.