Municipality of Falkoping
Falköpings kommun is a municipality in Sweden. The town of Falköping is the seat of Falköpings kommun. Falköpings kommun has 33.000 inhabitants. Approximately 50 % live in the city of Falköping and 50 % live in the countryside. The town of Falköping is situated along the Western Main Line which is the railline between Stockholm and Gothenburg, the two biggest cities of Sweden. This location offers good opportunities regarding commuting, trade and industry. Falköpings kommun has taken a great responsibility for helping refugees. Both during the ”Yugoslav wars ” in the 1990s and the ”European refugee crisis” beginning in 2015, but also in between these. This makes Falköpings kommun a diverse society. Falköpings kommun focuses its work on creating ”social sustainability” building upon its diverse society. The ambition is to create a stable and dynamic society in the long run where all citizens feel involved and have the power to control its own economy, work, living, culture, education, recreation, health, security etc. The work to shape a fair city is mainly focused on social inclusion of refugees, in order to make them a part of the society where the feel included, and the relationship between the city and the countryside, in order to build trust and understanding.