Municipality of Forlì


Set in the Emilia-Romagna region, the city ofForlì is the administrative center of the Province of Forlì-Cesena and border with the Municipality of Forlimpopoli (South-East), the Municipality of Faenza (North) and with the Municipality of Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole (West). Today the City has over 119.000 inhabitants and can be considered a vibrant city from the economic and cultural point of view. Forlì offers an increasing number of attractions in terms of artworks, monuments, sports and leisure activities. The existing network of businesses and cooperative partnership is widespread and this, together with the quality of services, allows the population to enjoy one of the highest level of life quality in Italy. Since 2013, Forlì is part of the ATRIUM Route, which gained a recognition from the Council of Europe in 2014. Forlì is the leader of this project due to the architecture and urban design partly deriving from the totalitarian period. At the same time, more than 20.000 foreigners live in Forlì. Several networks and associations are devoted to reception and inclusion policies on the ground, working in an intercultural enviroment by dealing also with related topics such as gender equality. The Municipality of Forlì deals mainly with health, education, environment, culture, business and public works policies. It also tries to encourage active participation, autonomy and conscious involvement of citizens in the society.