Municipality of Split
The city of Split is the second largest city of Croatia with 178.102 inhabitants and the largest city on the Croatian coast of Adriatic. Split is an important Croatian and Mediterranean cultural center, and second university center in Croatia. Split is also center of the dynamic region of Dalmatia with 500.000 inhabitants, and center of Urban agglomeration Split with 350.000 inhabitants. Its main objective is to represent all the citizens, improving the quality of their life, protecting the more disadvantage ones, promoting the economic development of the local system. Main activities of the City of Split as a local authority are: public security, services for families and disadvantaged categories, public housing service, childhood and juvenile services, tourism promotion services, local public transport, sport, cultural managing, protection of environmental and cultural heritage. Regarding the implementation of EU projects, City of Split has a great knowledge and trained personnel in the preparation and implementation of the projects. City of Split is also the intermediate body for the implementation of the Integrated territorial investment mechanism (ITI mechanism) in Urban agglomeration of Split, with 54,3 million EUR available for development projects. Within the EU project “Shaping fair cities” City of Split aims to create a climate for participatory governance regarding issues related to social development goals and to strengthen the City’s cooperation with civil society organizations, involving the general public and students in project activitiesand creating informed and sensitized citizens.