Pemba is the capital of the Province of Cabo Delgado and is located in the northern region of Mozambique. It is limited to the north and west by the Metuge district; to the south with the district of Mecufi; and it is washed by the Indian Ocean in an extension of 30 km in a straight line. Pemba was elevated to the category of city in 1958, then with the name of Port Amelia and the category of Municipality in 1997. The Municipality occupies an area of 194 km ² and the bay of Pemba is the 3rd largest in the world and has many languages: macua, maconde, muani, swahili, Portuguese, united by a single identity. The economy of the Municipality of Pemba has been characterized by a movement of people (national and foreign) looking for business opportunities, land, tourism and employment. With an economy based mainly on commerce and tourism. Agriculture is not very expressive while fishing has considerable potential. Its trade is composed of more than 800 formal commercial establishments and more than 2,200 informal ones. As for its industry, it is made up of civil construction units, mills, sawmills, carpentry, cashew processing, shrimp processing, poultry processing, purified water packaging, bakery, handicrafts and pottery. The tourist activity is in expansion and circumscribes to the beaches and some historical points. As far as transport is concerned, the most used type is road transport. Populations move using semi-collective transport, urban public, taxi services, private vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, or on foot. In urban infrastructures it is noticed that the road network of the municipality of Pemba consists of roads of about 200 km of the classified network (avenues) and not classified (streets).