Punto Europa - University of Bologna
Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet
Centro di Documentazione europea / Network Europe Direct
Piazzale Solieri 1 / Viale Corridoni 20 – 47121 Forlì
+39 0543 374807
Opening hourse:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8,30 AM to 2,00 PM
Tuesday and Thursday from 1.30 PM to 5.30 PM
The University of Bologna has implemented a multi-campus structure to enhance the expansion of the teaching offered and to allow the activation of a consolidated research activity in the territory, in the attempt of improving the academic activities functioning and the quality of life for students and teachers. Officially founded on 1st October 2001, the Forlì Campus actually represents the ultimate step of a process aimed to the creation of a new model of university based on the decentralization and the organization of the universities into different branches. In the University lays the Punto Europa Forlì, an information and documentation centre, established in 1999 by the University of Bologna – Forli Campus, the municipality of Forlì and the Province of Forlì-Cesena. Punto Europa Forlì benefits from the consulting and the experience of professors, researchers and students of the Bologna University Schools in Forlì. Its Scientific Committee is composed by Professors of University of Bologna specialized in EU matters. Punto Europa is part of the information Network of the European Commission “Europe Direct” since 2007 and has been recognized as Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet since 2014 and as European Documentation Centre since 2018. It contributes to the spread of the awareness of European citizenship thanks to its information service and to the distribution of documentation material on the EU. The office has also an education aim, which is addressed through the organization of training courses, conferences and seminars on EU issues, even in cooperation with different institution and directed to Public Administration executives and officers, school teachers, citizens and associations. Migration is a main topics in its research and information activities.