WeWorld is an Italian independent organisation operating in 27 countries, including Italy, to promote and guarantee the rights of women, children and local communities through development cooperation and humanitarian aid programs.
WeWorld-GVC is an Italian independent organisation born from the merger between GVC Ngo (founded in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld Foundation (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of their Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in 29 countries worldwide, including Italy. Together WeWorld and GVC carry out 128 projects reaching over 2,4 million direct beneficiaries and 12,3 million indirect beneficiaries. WeWorld-GVC operates in Italy, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Libya, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Benin, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Mali, Niger, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia. Children, women and youth, actors of change in every community, are the protagonists of WeWorld-GVC projects and campaigns in the following fields of intervention: human rights (gender equality, prevention and contrast of violence against women and children, migrations), humanitarian aid (prevention, aid and reconstruction), food security, water and sanitation, health, education and learning, socio-economic development, environmental protection, global citizenship education and international volunteering.