CASP-ER project

The Emilia-Romagna Region is the leader of a project called CASP-ER Multi-Action Regional Plan – Action 4 PROG – 1085 Participation and Associationism, for the purpose of promoting and empowering migrants’ associations and their participation in public life.

As concerns access to services, see Educational course “CaspER in action: practical theories on citizenship” (initially scheduled from February to June 2020, subsequently extended to October 2020).

As concerns communication and information:

Of the various actions envisaged by the project (research, training, leading role of new generations), the Region also deemed it appropriate, as a preparatory action for the success of other interventions, to proceed with documenting associations of migrant women and local native and migrant women in the Emilia-Romagna territory.

In Bologna province:

For more information: