The Emilia-Romagna Region annually provides resources for the allocation of secondary school scholarships to students in the first two classes of high school and the regional system of Vocational Education and Training (IeFP – Istruzione e Formazione Professionale), provided that they are in financial need and have completed the school year or training. There are 7,826 foreign students who benefited from this from 2014-16, with an expenditure of around 4,363,000 euros. To promote socialisation and familiarisation with cultural diversity there was also funding for 21 music education projects, carried out by music schools recognised by the Region in collaboration with educational institutions, for a total of 850,000 euros. In order to make the right to attain the highest degree of education effective, the Region provides scholarships – based on income and merit requirements – to students enrolled at the University based in the region, both through state and regional funding. In absolute terms the foreign beneficiaries totalled 10,881 and the related expenditure amounts to approximately 39,174,000 euros. A further measure is contained in the Regional Intervention Plan funded by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (FAMI) 2014-2020, which undertakes actions to combat early school leaving in multicultural contexts.