“Anti-rumor campaign” organised in collaboration with the Intercultural Centre Mondinsieme debunks unfounded and intolerant news that is often at the root of stereotypes and prejudices as well as discriminatory and racist attitudes. “Guess who is coming to dinner…?”, a national project developed by the Italian Network of Popular Knowledge (of which the Municipality is partner), takes the form of a series of dinners in the private homes of new citizens and, in recent years, asylum seekers, to break down cultural barriers and create conviviality with local population; and a new training course for youth associations and younger generations to prevent and tackle radicalism.
The practice of Diversity management offers opportunities for intercultural comparison, as well as tools for understanding the different needs that an intercultural society generates, enabling the business and commercial system to expand and innovate its offer and create a competitive advantage for the City.
The Municipality has worked to support the role of diasporas as ambassadors from their origin countries, aiming to give value to individual histories and relations while at the same time promoting new exchange and development opportunities for the territory. On this topic, Reggio Emilia cooperates with other cities within the framework of the Intercultural Cities Network, promoted by the Council of Europe and the Italian Network of Cities of Dialogue, with the goal of identifying projects and partnerships that will strengthen initiatives of international relevance related to the diaspora settled in the municipal territory.