Relevant regional legislation on migration

Social, Immigration and Integration Policies Area

  1. Regional Law No. 2/2003 Standards for the promotion of social citizenship and for realisation of an integrated system of interventions and social services.
  2. Regional Law No. 5/2004: “Standards for the social integration of immigrant foreign citizens. Amendment to regional laws 21 February 1990, No. 14 and 12 March 2003, No. 2”: the legal framework for integration policies in the Emilia Region, focused on the equality of rights and responsibilities, on universal access to the welfare services system, and the negation of separate services. The law (Art. 3) envisages a triennial scheduling instrument (Triennial social plan for the social integration of foreign citizens). The third Triennial programme 2014-2016 “For an intercultural community” was approved by the Legislative Assembly on 2 April 2014.
  3. Regional protocols: concerning asylum seekers and refugees; concerning initiatives against discrimination; concerning promotion of the Italian language; concerning promotion of intercultural communication.


Area: Labour, Education and Training

  1. Regional Law No. 12/2003 “Standards for equal opportunities for access to knowledge for everyone and for the entire lifespan through the reinforcement of education and professional training, including in integration between them.” The goal is to favour adaptability to the transformation of knowledge within a knowledge society, through the systems of education and professional training, work and informal education.
  2. Regional Law No. 5/2011 “Guidelines for the regional system of education and professional training” that the regional education and professional training system has established which, after three years, allows entry into the workforce.
  3. Regional Law No. 17/2005 “Standards for the promotion of employment, quality, safety and regularity of work” amended by Regional Law No. 7 of 19 July 2013. An office for employment integration of migrants is established at the Regional Labour Service, leader of this initiative
  4. Regional Government Resolution No. 1472/2013 “Approval of aid and support measures in favour of the beneficiaries (vulnerable categories of foreigners) of internships pursuant to Art. 25, paragraph 1 letter C) of Regional Law 27/2005;
  5. Resolutions No. 2477/2007 and No. 620/2008: the purpose of the two acts is to address the issue of the migratory phenomenon in innovative and standardised terms and to technically define the triennial scheduling document that provides for the establishment of a work group made up of technical officials belonging to different regional services;
  6. Regional Government Resolution No. 1998/2009 and Regional Government Resolution No. 2025/2013 which control the definition of the standards and performance of services for employment, as well as illustrating the operational directives defined for the implementation in the regional system of territorial services for employment (ex Legislative Decree 214/2000, Legislative Decree No. 181/2000 as amended, and connected standards) on the principles set for managing and maintaining unemployment status;
  7. Proposed law for the social inclusion and employment of fragile and vulnerable people (Regional Government Resolution No. 769 on 22 June 2015) to support persons with social or health difficulties and assist them in entering the workforce, and placing online the Municipality’s social services, the Local Health Authority’s health services and Employment Centres.


On a spectrum, you can distinguish between a) services intended to inform or orient; b) social and health services; and c) services connected with entry into the employment market.

Within the first group, the following are included:

Information, mediation and orientation desks for foreigners (public and third-party) in Emilia- Romagna: foreign citizens resident in the region can count on a structured system of information desks managed (directly or through agreements) by the Municipalities. This is a widespread network (140 desks are currently active) from which Italian citizens, public bodies and enterprises also benefit. A list of the information desks can be found at the following link:

Intercultural centres: public meeting places for local natives and immigrants intended to promote interaction and exchange of points of view and experiences, in an attempt to improve reciprocal awareness and favour the process of social inclusion.

The second include:

Social desks: citizen services have been reorganised in such a way so as to provide a single territorial access point for information and any necessary social services.


Within the third, we want to spotlight:

– the network of public employment services, often provided in tandem with specific social-cultural mediation services, with the goal of facilitating and optimising use of the services that employment centres offer immigrants;


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